Sanctuary in Nursing Homes

Sanctuary Hospice provides care to patients who live in skilled nursing facilities

We are often approached with the question, “Why hospice in the nursing home”?

Nursing home residents who are nearing the end of life often have unmet needs with regard to pain, shortness of breath, depression, and anxiety. These patients frequently have emotional and spiritual needs which also need to be addressed. Family members commonly express concern that they want to be regularly updated about the condition of their loved one, and the physical and emotional support they are receiving.

Sanctuary Hospice care is an ideal partner to the nursing home to address and meet these important end-of-life needs. Our hospice staff is trained to assess and identify discomfort in patients who may be unable to adequately make their needs known. We then work with the patient’s physician and the nursing home staff to make certain that these symptoms are addressed quickly and in the best manner possible – minimizing the patient’s discomfort and their loved ones’ concerns.

Nursing home residents who enroll in hospice continue to receive supportive services from the nursing home. Through hospice, they gain access to additional services that can enhance their final months. Utilization of hospice services provides the nursing home patient and their family with a significantly improved end-of-life experience.

Please call us today at 662-407-2400 to learn more about how Sanctuary Hospice can help you and/or your loved ones, today.